San Jose Dancewear is Putting on the Ritz in style in the Bay Area!
Stop by San Jose Dancewear in the Bay Area and grab some top hats and canes to help you in “Putting on the Ritz” for a show, party, or costume for any occasion!

A top hat and cane are fun and exciting additions to any dance routine. Wow judges with your dexterity and control while putting on a show! For a party or costume, be sure to pair the accessories with a suit for maximum effect. Have all guests come in black suits for an amazing photo opportunity.
Our top hats and canes can also be used for magicians’ costumes or as a compliment to a number of character costumes such as men from the titanic, fashion from the ’30s and ’40s, and wealthy theater-goers from Moulin Rouge.
Come by and check out one of our helpful locations in Santa Cruz, San Jose, or Marin and we’ll help you find just the accessories and costumes that you’re looking for. We rent and sell costumes for your convenience. You can also swing by our Facebook page to see what’s new! From announcements to giveaways and more, you won’t want to miss what we have to share!