Best place to get Cheerleader Outfit for 2015 SaberKittens Auditions in Bay Area
San Jose Dancewear- the best place to buy your costume for SaberKitten tryouts in the Bay area. Auditions Start January 17, 2015.
Get your gear. Get ready. Get your game on.

Cheerleading Auditions Attire is Two-piece leotard.
We carry a whole rainbow of tops and briefs, also known as Booty Shorts. Mix’n’ match to see what suits you best.

Next you will need Tights and Dance Shoes.
We have many styles of both from top brands like Capezio and Bloch.

Come in and see for yourself.
We got the right attire.
Just bring your great attitude.
Hurry! Tryouts are almost here. This is your chance to cheer for the World Champions SaberCats of San Jose.
Find the nearest place to get the gear you want to wear for SaberKitten Auditions 2015 .
Visit our blog to get updates or visit here for more information on 2015 SaberKitten Tryouts.
You Go Girl!