Bags are accessories without which girls can’t live. Since an early age the love for bags starts to grow inside the heart of girls and they want to have a collection of all different types of bags in their closet. Dance bags have their own specified purposes and features. The most important thing is that…
If you have a dance recital coming your way, then it is going to be stressful period if you are not well prepared. There is a lot of stuff that you need to take care of like costumes, dances, dance shoes and a lot of other things. Dancing is great fun especially when you do…
The 1980’s was a period of diversity when it came to fashion. Trends like exercise clothing, bright neon-colored clothing, punk rock outfits, and power suits were popularized during this era. The general public had icons like Madonna, Michael Jackson, Princess Diana, and Jane Fonda to look up to and steal style ideas from. However, where…
The pointe shoes are something without which a dancer cannot even imagine to survive. The stay in world of ballet is associated with the need to wear and use the right kind of ballet pointe shoes. They can be no longer regarded as accessories that were painful, but are regarded as footwear without which dancing…