How to Apply Makeup for the Northern California Renaissance Faire
You’ve gone to great lengths to make sure your costume for the Northern California Renaissance Faire is just right, so don’t forget the proper makeup to complete your character!

The first thing to be sure you do to prepare your face for a day at the fair is to apply sunscreen. You will be in the sun throughout the day and sunscreen will help protect your delicate skin from harm.
Next, know your role. If you are attending the fair as a peasant woman, you won’t need to wear makeup at all. Peasants couldn’t afford makeup so sunscreen will do perfectly. If you are middle or high class, however, you will need a bit of work to look the part!
Start by applying light foundation to your face, you may want to use a shade or two lighter than you normally would, light faces were very popular in the age. Next, decide whether your character would wear lipstick or not. A good rule of thumb is only wear colored lipstick if you are a noble, but stick to red and burgundy, don’t use pink. Then, use simple makeup on the eyes, black or brown mascara and eye liner will do fine. If you want to wear eye shadow, make sure the colors are natural (no blues, greens, or purples). Use blush only for a noble woman to accentuate the cheekbones. Finally, powder your face and don your character!
Stop by San Jose Dancewear for a selection of all the best theater makeup, including Ben Nye, Mehran, and Kryolan. Fare thee well and enjoy the fair in your medieval best!