Get Men’s Costumes for the Northern California Renaissance Faire!
Men, don’t show up to the Northern California Renaissance Faire in anything less than the best and funnest costume from San Jose Dancewear. Men have a choice of costumes from gallant knight, to court jester, and everything in between!

Men’s clothing in the Renaissance age reflected their social standing to a tee. Laborers and lower class working men were known to wear hardy tunics of wool and other rough linen that could stand up to the normal stress of their jobs. Lords and aristocrats were known to wear fine shirts made of satin, silk, and velvet to indicate their standing and wealth.
A necessity for every man’s Renaissance costume is a pair of tall leather boots and tights. To round out your character, choose a top to suit your class, from a fine velvet doublet with a pristine and loose under shirt, to a plain wool tunic cinched at the waist with a leather belt. At San Jose Dancewear, we have all of the various accessories to make your costume come to life, including gold jewelry, capes, hats, feathers, wigs, and much more!
So fare thee well our readers and patrons, and we hope to see you at one of our locations in Marin, Santa Cruz, or San Jose to pick up everything you need for your Renaissance costume.