Find Sugar Plum Fairies and Nutcracker Costumes at San Jose Dancewear!
It’s every dancer’s favorite time of year, that’s right — Nutcracker season! From when they were young dancers frolicking in play tutus to the mature, lifelong trained ballerinas, The Nutcracker ballet holds a special place in all dancers’ hearts. We couldn’t call ourselves a dance wear provider if we didn’t offer everything needed for this special show! San Jose Dancewear has all the costumes, as well as all the accessories and dance wear needed for The Nutcracker.

In addition to the iconic nutcracker costume with the red coat and tall hat, we also offer Clara’s white dress with its blue belted waist, and the purple Sugar Plum Fairy costume — complete with wings. Don’t forget about all the supporting roles in the ballet, either! We have various dresses and suits that are appropriate for the ballet.
We also have the best stage makeup, wigs, and accessories to put your costume over the top. Don’t forget that underneath the costumes you’ll also want the best ballet tights, leotards, and pointe shoes, so come by our location in San Jose and our staff can help you make sure you have everything you need for this special event.
Check to see where the nearest Nutcracker performance is near you and enjoy an unforgettable evening.